Finally FINISH Fearing Failing!

Being a Business and Life Coach for women entrepreneurs has taught me alot about the various (and seemingly endless) obstacles of women in business.

No matter how vast the list of struggle topics, it helps to learn  how to celebrate your strengths, opportunities, and successes.

Focusing on the positive gives you the inner drive to do more of what you love with extra time in your day!

However, you have to train your brain on how to FINISH fearing failure {and success} ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Fear of failureOnce you accomplish the number one mistake women entrepreneurs make that keep them broke stuck and struggling in their business [procrastinationyou prepare yourself to move forward and make better choices in your business.

It helps to remember that the work you choose not to do determines your overall business success or failure.

Because you realize that “someday” is not a day on the calendar (and that it will never get here), you begin to see the value in what you have to offer and the difference it can (and will) make in someone else’s destiny.

There is only so much time we are allowed to exist on this earth, so what are you waiting for?…

It is time to get busy and do what you know you have been called to do, fearlessly!

Remember, you are in business to SERVE and it’s really not all about you (stop making it so!).

Make the decision TODAY to get over yourself and the “fear” of failure (or success).

Here’s a little help with a short declaration to help get you started…

Repeat this Daily Declaration to help you MOVE FORWARD and KEEP GOING — beyond your fears!…

I have my own definition of what failure is, yet I have defined what success looks like for me. 

I cannot live my life afraid to fail. I acknowledge my own personal truth and I allow myself the freedom to be me. 

I am moving forward and changing only what I know I can. 

I have a vision for my life to be better in some way every day, and I am moving beyond my fear(s) to make this happen. 

What “they” say is not my concern nor is it my business. 

I will live the life I desire to live and no matter what, I will not give up!


If you need help affirming and inspiring yourself to greatness consistently, click to download your step-by-step guide of the NEW forthcoming book Secrets of A Socialprenista: The PINK Print [now available].

It features the TOP 8 Mistakes Women Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Broke, Stuck, and Struggling in Their Business (‘fear of failing is one of them!) and inspiration for the journey!

Click to…

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